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S’workers Emergency Contacts

If you are a sex worker, chances are you solely refer to your industry friends by their performer names. If you’re anything like me, it’s likely that you don’t actually even know your colleagues legal names. It may sound bizarre to those who aren’t permitted in industry-only spaces, but avoiding each other’s ‘civilian names’ is among the most fundamental of unspoken rules.

But what happens in an emergency?

A colleague of mine was recently in an urgent situation, and those of us close to them realized that we didn’t actually know much about one another.

Of course, there are some things we know. At this point I am confident that I could pick out each one of my friends’ assholes out of a photo lineup with 99% accuracy… but I have no idea what their last names are.
It’s odd to think about the fact that we’ve seen each other naked… hell, we’ve been inside of one another more times than we can count! Unfortunately, “how hard does she like being spanked” isn’t very helpful in an emergency setting (unless…).

As a result of this, I’ve put together a detailed Emergency Contact Sheet for all of my local
colleagues to fill out. This way if the unthinkable were to happen and we needed to
provide details to a medical professional or family member, we could do so more easily.

Though my version of the document will be shared privately within my community, you can find a blank version below, which you can download and share this among your trusted colleagues

GoAskAlex is an award-winning 18+ performer, feminist, and advocate for the representation of disabled bodies in pornography. She has spent the past six years as a webcam model and adult content creator. After becoming an ostomate in 2019, she focused her career on advocating for underrepresented bodies in adult media. She has since then been featured in XBIZ magazine (including a cover photo as their first ever model with an ostomy) and was featured in Hustler E-Magazine for her “Disabled Sex Workers” Calendar. Most recently, she won the 2020 XBIZ Awards for ‘Best Inked Model”.

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