Learn to Finally Love Yourself – Authority Magazine
Alex spoke with the team at Authority Magazine about her journey to self acceptance – and eventually self love. Read the full interview here.
“We spend 100% of our lives in the company of our own inner dialogue. If that dialogue is self-deprecating, we inevitably end up wasting our precious time; We have no idea which day will be our last! I want to challenge your readers to practice empathy and patience with themselves. We aren’t perfect, we’re human. If loving yourself feels too difficult, start with accepting yourself instead. Starting with a neutral perspective can make the process feel like less of a mountain.“

“Our lives today are structured very differently than they have been during every other time in history. We’ve transitioned from communal living to isolation (especially in the last couple of years with the COVID-19 pandemic). The state of our local communities can have a massive impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. The modern human may not know the names of their neighbours, and may rarely hear the voice of the person they consider their closest friend. We have, in some ways, replaced physical touch with technology. Though it is certainly convenient to have food delivered straight to our doorsteps, I think that this isolation will have a serious negative impact over time as we forget how to partake in basic day-to-day interactions. Moving into a comfortable state of being “alone” can mean making room for new opportunities to gather and create a sense of community in your life. When ending a relationship (or transitioning into any new chapter of your life), it is important to seek out allies — meaning those who have your BEST interests at heart!“
GoAskAlex for Authority Magazine, August 2021